Page 6 - Morphoanatomical investigations of cones and pollen in Cathaya argyrophylla Chung & Kuang (Pinaceae, Coniferales) under systematical and evolutional aspects
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V. M. Dörken and H. Nimsch                                        Feddes Repertorium 2014, 125, 25–38

            which do not undergo further growth after anthesis. In   rangium opens along a longitudinal preformed line
            ripe cones only the seed-scales are visible from outside   (Fig. 5). The microsporangia start releasing the pollen
            (Fig. 1E).                                         when the cone is not already opened and the cone axis
              Each seed-scale develops two ovules on its upper   has not reached its final length. The pollen is released
            surface, with the micropyle towards the cone axis   over a period of 7–10 days.  Only a small part of the
            (Fig. 2A, D). The seed-scale and the ovules develop   pollen is taken out directly out from the microsporangia
            nearly simultaneous (Fig. 3A). The integument encloses   by airflow. The majority of released pollen accumulates
            the nucellus secondarily (Fig. 3B). By elongation of the   first on the upper surface of the proximal microsporan-
            two opposite sides of the originally tubular micropyle two   giophores especially on the  surface of their phylloid
            equally developed micropylar arms are developed.   rests. From here the pollen gets secondary transported
            These micropylar arms are inside sticky and capture the   by the airflow.
            windborne pollen. Pollination drops could not yet be     The pollen grains are bisaccate (Fig. 6A, B). Its
            observed. The micropyles are between 100–120 μm in   overall length incl. the sacci varies between 40–50 μm.
            diameter (Fig. 2F). In the middle of the seed-scale a   The hemispheric sacci are between 17–20 μm in diam-
            further bulge is developed between the two ovules,   eter and between 16–18 μm in height. They are broadly
            which is no more recognizable at maturity (Fig. 2D, E).   attached to the corpus (Fig. 6B). The inner surface of the
              Seed-cones ripe in the  second year, 16–18 months   sacci is alveolate (Fig. 6D). The exine of the sacci is
            after pollination. Ripe seed-cones are 3–5 cm long and   between 1.5–2 μm thick. The  shape of the corpus is
            1.5–2.5 cm in diameter (Fig. 1E). They are in a pendu-  elliptic (majority) or rarely rhombic and between 30–
            lous orientation. After releasing the seed, they remain for   33 μm × 23–26 μm  long  (Fig. 6C). The angle between
            some years at the tree, before getting abscised as a   the corpus and the attached  two sacci varies between
            whole. Mature seeds have  a distinct wing. The seed   120°–140°. The outer surface of the sacci and the cor-
            corpus is 6–7 mm long, 4–5 mm in wide and about 3 mm   pus is perforated and microechinate with several spine-
            thick. The seed wing is between 6–10 mm long and 4–  like irregularly arranged mircostructures (Fig. 6F). Such
            6 mm wide (Fig. 3F).                               spines are absent in the area of the leptoma. The sur-
                                                               face of the leptoma is verrucose (Fig. 6E).
            3.2  Morphology and anatomy of pollen-cones
                 and pollen
                                                               4 Discussion
            The pollen-cones develop solitary basal to the female
            ones in the crown. They are inserted axillary at lateral   4.1  Comparisons to other Pinaceae
            ascending branches of the previous year (Fig. 4A). Pol-
                                                               4.1.1 Seed-cones
            len-cones develop from buds which are inserted in the
            axil of a typical green needle-like trophophyll (Fig. 4B).   Despite to the results of morpho-anatomical studies of
            At the base of the pollen-cone several persisting    vegetative and reproductive  structures and embryologi-
            bud-scales are inserted (Fig. 4A, B). At maturity pollen-  cal and molecular studies the systematic position of
            cones are 4.6–7.3 cm long and 1.3–1.7 cm thick     Cathaya is still controversially. Some authors see a
            (Fig. 4A). They are in an upright position (Fig. 4A). After   close relationship between  Cathaya,  Larix and  Pseu-
            releasing the pollen they dry out soon and are later    dotsuga (e.g. Frankis 1988, Farjon 1990; Wu & Hu
            abscised as a whole. The pollen-cones consist of 97–  1997). Frankis (1988) described  Cathaya as intermedi-
            152 spirally set hyposporangiate sporangiophores   ate between  Larix and  Pseudotsuga. Wu & Hu (1997)
            (Fig. 4A). Bracts within the pollen-cone are always ab-  suggest a close affinity to Pseudotsuga. Other authors,
            sent. Each of the sporangiophores consists of a stalk   however, see a close relationship between  Cathaya,
            (Fig. 4C, D),  mostly  two  (Fig. 4E), rarely three (Fig. 4F)   Picea and  Pinus (e.g. Wang et al. 1998; Wang et al.
            abaxial microsporangia and an adaxial green phylloid   2000; Hart 1987; Gernandt et al. 2008; Lin et al. 2010).
            rest with a violet tip with a serrate margin. The tip of the   Wang et al. (2000) and Gernandt et al. (2008) see Pinus
            phylloid rest is orientated in an angle of nearly 70–80° to   as sister to  Picea and  Cathaya. However  Lin et al.
            the stalk. The sporangia and the phylloid rest are   (2010) & Hart (1987) have Picea sistered to Pinus and
            strongly fused to each other (Fig. 4D). Before anthesis   Cathaya. Hu et al. (1976) and Hu & Wang (1984) de-
            the phylloid rests of the sporangiophores are covering   scribed the systematic position of  Cathaya as placed
            the microsporangia of the more distal microsporangio-  between Pinus, Picea and Pseudotsuga.
            phores, so that in young  pollen-cones nearly only the     The results about the cone morphology of  Cathaya
            phylloid part is visible from outside. At anthesis the cone   gained in this present study allow the allocation to both
            axis elongates strongly so  that the microsporangia are   the  Picea-Pinus complex and also to the  Larix-
            freely exposed to the airflow. At maturity each microspo-  Pseudotsuga complex.  However,  apart  from  several

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