Page 1 - Morphoanatomical investigations of cones and pollen in Cathaya argyrophylla Chung & Kuang (Pinaceae, Coniferales) under systematical and evolutional aspects
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Feddes Repertorium 2014, 125, 25–38                     DOI: 10.1002/fedr.201400035

            RESEARCH PAPER

            Morpho-anatomical investigations of cones and

            pollen in Cathaya argyrophylla Chung & Kuang
            (Pinaceae, Coniferales) under systematical

            and evolutional aspects

            Veit Martin Dörken , Hubertus Nimsch
            1  University of Konstanz, Department of Biology, M 613 Universitätsstr. 10, 78457 Konstanz, Germany
            2  St. Ulrich 31, 79283 Bollschweil – St. Ulrich, Germany

            The results of the morpho-anatomical investigations show that seed- and pollen-cones of Submitted: November 25, 2014
            Cathaya represent the typical bauplan for Pinaceae. Several features were found that  Revised: January 7, 2015
            suggest a closer relationship of Cathaya to Picea and Pinus on the one hand and also to  Accepted: January 26, 2015
            Larix and  Pseudotsuga on the other hand. However, the large pollen-cones of  Cathaya
            resemble in length and number of microsporangiophores those of Cedrus. Cathaya shows
            also features that are unique among recent Pinaceae like a sylleptic flush of shoots and
            seed-cones. Also the absence of bud scales surrounding the seed-cone and the special
            microstructure of the pollen grain surface  are unique. These features suggest a rather
            isolate position for  Cathaya among recent Pinaceae. Some anomalous microsporangio-
            phores showing three instead of the typical two sporangia lead to the idea that the hypo-
            sporangiate microsporangiophores in Pinaceae might be structures derived from a former
            perisporangiate type as shown for Taxaceae.

            Cathaya, Pinaceae, morphology, pollen, ovule, cone-scale, seed-scale

            1 Introduction                                     2001; Holy et al. 2012; Bouchal 2013). The recent Ca-
                                                               thaya argyrophylla was discovered in 1955 and first
            Today the Chinese genus  Cathaya, native in SE-    described in 1958 (Chun & Kuang 1958). It is a quite
            Setchuan, NE-Guangxi, Guizhou and S-Hunnan (Farjon   rare conifer with only about 4000 individuals in nature
            2010a), is regarded as being monotypic. In older litera-  (Ge et al. 1998). Its current Red List Category and Crite-
            ture  e.g.  Den Ouden & Boom (1965)  or  Dallimore &   ria is “vulnerable D1” (Yang  &  Liao 2013). It is rarely
            Jackson (1966) apart from  C. argyrophylla a second   seen in cultivation especially outside of China. In Europe
            species C. nanchuanensis from Setchuan is listed. To-  only few Botanic Gardens and botanic collections are
            day only C. argyrophylla is accepted (e.g. Eckenwalder   cultivating this conifer. The two major problems in culti-
            2009; Farjon 2001, 2010a; Mabberley 2008; Debreczy &   vating Cathaya are the limited availability of seeds and
            Racz 2011). However, in the past Cathaya had a greater   especially its limited hardiness. Thus in central Europe
            diversity and was widespread in the in Holarctic (e.g.   Cathaya is, when available at all, cultivated in temperate
            Ferguson 1967; Sivak, 1976; Liu et al. 1997; Liu & Ba-   houses or at climatically protected sites.
            singer 2000; Suc & Drivaliari 1991; SAITO et al. 2000,     In its natural habitat  C.  argyrophylla is a medium
                                                               sized evergreen tree, reaching up to 20 m in height.
            Correspondence: Dr. Veit Martin Dörken, University of    Cathaya is monoecic. Male and female cones are ar-
            Konstanz, Department of Biology, M 613, Universitätsstr. 10,   ranged in a similar way as in other Pinaceae (e.g. De-
            78457 Konstanz                                     breczy & Racz 2011; Eckenwalder 2009; Farjon 2010a,
            Phone: +49-07531-88-2043                           b; Jackson 1945; Neger &  Münch 1952; Kindel 1995;
            Fax: +49-07531-88-2966                             Krüssmann 1955, 1983; Liu  1971; Mirov 1967; Page

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